October 26, 2018

Volunteers Needed for the November Constantinian Food Walk

Don't just talk the talk, come walk the walk with your knightly brethren at the monthly Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George Auxiliary Corps food walk. On Thursday, November 1st at 7:00PM volunteers will meet at the Church of the Transfiguration cafeteria (29 Mott Street—entrance on Mosco St.) in Chinatown, New York to prepare and distribute food to the homeless. Make sure you wear comfortable shoes and street duds. Anything you can donate (ready-to-eat food, toiletries, etc.) will be greatly appreciated.

Anyone interested in supporting this charitable endeavor can contact Cav. John Napoli at jnapoli@smocsg.com.

Also see: Constantinian Auxiliary Hit the Streets of Lower Manhattan for Inaugural Homeless Food Walk