January 29, 2020

Announcing the Third Annual Lepanto Conference in New York City

Dear Confratelli and Consorelle,

The Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George has been invited to attend in choir in church robes and decorations a Solemn Pontifical Mass from the Throne, at the Dominican Church of St. Vincent Ferrer, 869 Lexington Avenue (at 66th Street), New York, NY on Saturday February 15th at 11 am.

The Mass will commemorate the souls lost at the Battle of Lepanto to which our Order sent a fighting force, as well as persecuted Christians of our own day. The celebrant will be His Eminence Joseph Cardinal Zen, Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong.

Knights and Dames who plan to attend please contact our confratello, Cav. Michael Limongello at 404-680-0635 or michael@limongello.org.