Dear Confratelli and Consorelle,
The American Delegation of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George has been invited to assist at a Solemn Mass that will be sung on Thursday, March 19th, 2020 at 7:00pm for the Feast of St. Joseph at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, 259 Oliver Street, Newark, New Jersey.
The Mass will be celebrated by the Very Rev. Msgr. Joseph F. Ambrosio, Pastor and Rev. Michael Barone will preach, both of whom are Chaplains of the Order.
In celebration of Msgr. Ambrosio's name day, after Mass, all are invited to a Traditional Italian Saint Joseph's Table in the parish center with music provided by the Bloomfield Mandolin Orchestra. RSVP to Cav. Prof. Eric Lavin by phone at (201) 566-8862 or via e-mail at by March 15th, 2020.
Knights and Dames may attend in church robes.
We hope that you all can attend this most beautiful occasion.